Remember life is never promised and you have to live day by day. Life can change at any time.

"It's a trip, you know? When you're a kid, you-you see the life you want, and it never crosses your mind that it's not gonna turn out that way." -Love & Basketball

Monday, February 13, 2012

Proposal of Choices For Final Project

1.  Albany Student Television : I propose to do a story on University at Albany's ATV Club. I plan to interview not only the Directors of the club, but also the students who are involved in the shows themselves. I plan to find out their goals as a "student run organization," as well as their struggles and downfalls as a club. I would like to find out how many people view the channel on campus and how ofter they do view it. I will also plan to interview students who watch the channel and hear their thoughts as well as the thoughts of the professors and staff of the university. I will do so by first talking to a friend of mine who is involved in one of the shows to find out how to get in contact with others involved. Then I will take a survey of students who do and do not watch the show and then ask the students who do watch their thoughts on it. Then I will find non-students on campus that watch the shows (professors, staff, directors, etc.) and do the same with them as far as surveying goes.

2.  Documentary Studies Department : I plan to research and do a story on the department of Documentary Studies. It is a major and minor available to students at the University and has a vast number of talented faculty. I will interview the director and especially Associate Director Sheila Curran Bernard, who has participated in several documentaries, is an author of several books and a professor of history. I'll interview professors as well and students who have taken the major in the past and who are presently taking it. I also plan to ask students who have never took it if it sounds interesting to them. I will start by visiting the offices of Documentary Studies and asking what their goals are when it comes to teaching.

3.  UATTC : UATTC is the University at Albany Table Tennis Club who plays on campus and holds tournaments as well. I plan to speak to the members involved and find out more about their tournaments and how they run. I would like to find out how the club began and who the original member were. I also plan to find out how far back the club goes and want to see how much hard work the members put into playing and what motivates them. Lastly, I would like to find out how the members have became friends from sharing a common interest and how many couples have formed at the tables. I plan to go to the tables and interview people to find out.

-Mariko Cree Mosher

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Any of these three will work well. They are locally interesting, doable in the time we have in class and original.

    On another note, i also like the profile you have on this blog. Fix the HIgh in Colonie Central High School (which btw is my alma mater as well).
