Remember life is never promised and you have to live day by day. Life can change at any time.

"It's a trip, you know? When you're a kid, you-you see the life you want, and it never crosses your mind that it's not gonna turn out that way." -Love & Basketball

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Check this out =]

I made this video to go with the song, "Let you Leave," written by my boyfriend, Youngins' on the Mic member, Smooth B (Bernard Holloman).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cue Club

Despite taking 17 credits this semester and his track championships coming soon, student Sean Cooper is trying to fullfil a dream. He plays pool whenever he has the chance in the UAlbany Campus Center. But, like others he noticed that the one pool table they do have is falling apart in too many ways.

The pool table along side several ping pong tables.
When you lean against the cloth it nearly comes up and the table is worn in many places causing everyone's shots to not be accurate. Most students supply their own sticks because the school only supplies a few worn ones.  The blue bed is fading and the wood is unfinished.

While the pool table continues to fade, the university has recently received new ping pong tables and equipment.

Ade Gibson-Eleshin says it's unfair that they too can't get new equipment and tables.

My Final Grade

Our grade is set out by what we have accomplished this semester, through learning, writing, listening, speaking, aspiring and hard work.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Let's Get Mount Pleasant Out of the Dumps"

The council and citizens started off praying peacefully for our children and our community as a whole and as the night went on, many were yelling and preaching for the same things.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

News With A Hint of Opinion

Who is Jay Jochnowitz you may ask. Jay Jochnowitz dreamed of being an opinion writer back when he was a small child, and to his relief, his dream came true. "I happen to love this job, it's very stressful but I still love it," says Jochnowitz.

He describes his job as a shy person's perfect excuse to approach random people and just start asking questions. He is the page editor for the editorial section of the Albany Times Union.

We have discovered in my journalism class that college students have a hard time approaching random people and asking questions for a story. We much rather interview a professional, a teacher, or a friend. But, Jochnowitz opened a new light when he said that he was once a shy student and even so that didn't stop him from pursuing a dream.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Soundtrack to My Life

If my life were a movie, what would be the background music? Well, I've picked three tracks that don't exactly sum up my life, but they do relate to my life in some way. If I took the chance to listen to songs lyrics more often, I am sure I could relate to almost every song in some way, but for now here's a few songs...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Right or Wrong?

Journalism professor, Mark Tatge, is under review by the Depauw University after he used a student's public records and information as a lesson in his reporting class. The student, Alison Stephens, and her parents were outraged when they heard Tatge was making an example of her. Stephens is an athlete at the University and was arrested for DWI.

Taking Pictures with Natasha Cooper

 Natasha Cooper, sophomore, on a typical day of classes. Due to the nippy weather, she wears a black peacoat, and an off-white scarf to keep her warm. 

Natasha Cooper, hungry, buys a breakfast sandwich and an orange juice at Tim Horton's. Tim Horton's is located in the University at Albany Campus Center basement. Cooper pays with her SUNY Card, which is quick and easy and requires no hassle. She grabs her drink and heads over to the far side of the  store to wait for her sandwich. She plans to go back to her dorm to enjoy her breakfast and start some homework before her next class. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Stewart's Shops

Remodeled in August, the Avon area Stewart's Shop is booming with people preparing for the snow storm. Michelle Monini, store manager, yells out, "Bread, milk, eggs. Stock up for the storm." The floor is shining due to a recent waxing job by the shop maintenance man and the maroon counters are wiped clean. Posters and homemade advertisements line the tan walls. Pictures of eggs read, “Eggs are Cheeep Cheeep,” and “So fresh you can still hear the chicken.” The newly designed counter tops are filled from end to end with coffee, napkins, hotdogs, hard rolls, signs and more.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."

The scene at the intersection of Ferris and Consaul Road this afternoon after a night of snowfall and car accidents.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Proposal of Choices For Final Project

1.  Albany Student Television : I propose to do a story on University at Albany's ATV Club. I plan to interview not only the Directors of the club, but also the students who are involved in the shows themselves. I plan to find out their goals as a "student run organization," as well as their struggles and downfalls as a club. I would like to find out how many people view the channel on campus and how ofter they do view it. I will also plan to interview students who watch the channel and hear their thoughts as well as the thoughts of the professors and staff of the university. I will do so by first talking to a friend of mine who is involved in one of the shows to find out how to get in contact with others involved. Then I will take a survey of students who do and do not watch the show and then ask the students who do watch their thoughts on it. Then I will find non-students on campus that watch the shows (professors, staff, directors, etc.) and do the same with them as far as surveying goes.

2.  Documentary Studies Department : I plan to research and do a story on the department of Documentary Studies. It is a major and minor available to students at the University and has a vast number of talented faculty. I will interview the director and especially Associate Director Sheila Curran Bernard, who has participated in several documentaries, is an author of several books and a professor of history. I'll interview professors as well and students who have taken the major in the past and who are presently taking it. I also plan to ask students who have never took it if it sounds interesting to them. I will start by visiting the offices of Documentary Studies and asking what their goals are when it comes to teaching.

3.  UATTC : UATTC is the University at Albany Table Tennis Club who plays on campus and holds tournaments as well. I plan to speak to the members involved and find out more about their tournaments and how they run. I would like to find out how the club began and who the original member were. I also plan to find out how far back the club goes and want to see how much hard work the members put into playing and what motivates them. Lastly, I would like to find out how the members have became friends from sharing a common interest and how many couples have formed at the tables. I plan to go to the tables and interview people to find out.

-Mariko Cree Mosher

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Elements of Journalism

       As a journalist, I believe a main point of the Elements of Journalism is that journalism's first obligation is to the truth. In a world of technology, social networks are often times people's sole source of news. For instance, someone reads the newspaper and sees that the governor has stepped down and in response they post it on facebook. If that news is wrong then that person is wrong. People rely on the news to tell the truth not the semi-truth or what they think is the truth. If we disappoint our readers with lies than they will never trust us and journalism will be dead. An important aspect of this from the book is that the public must know and trust that what journalists write is not influenced by ads or someone paying them to write a certain review or to lie to the public. The people have a right to know the truth. Journalists can not take the word of one person as truth. They must take that word and verify it before publishing the final word. Originality is always better than someone else's word.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Snakes: They're eating everything
